Saturday, June 27, 2009

Police Department :)


  1. Although wearing the dog uniform was hot and was well worth hearing the responses from our Hamptonites from the question "What are some reasons why you would call 911."
    "If someone knocks down your door and blows your house up." which another kid responded "How are you going to call 911"

    "If someone comes in and cuts your grandmothers leg off" WOW!!!

    It was also fun hearing the response of the policeman after this question. "What if someone kills everyone in the house, how are you going to call 911". The man in the uniform "Hopefully someone will hear"

    It was well worth it...It was fun watching Chi and Lupe holding in their laughs while I could laugh hysterically...cause my face couldnt be seen.

    -Miguelito "brown chicken brown cow"

  2. lol that day was interesting...haha. Loved it!
